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Handyman marketing and lead generation to start and grow your handyman business — learn how to start and grow your handyman business. Handy man marketing system for handiman

Posted by Sweet Sclosets on Tuesday, 21 January 2014

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If you’d like to grow your handyman business AND keep a full and busy schedule…then this Handyman Marketing website could prove to be the most valuable page you’ll ever read; irregardless of whether you’re just starting a handyman business.

My name is Cartess Ross, and the professional handymen I work with have been taught to market their services entirely different, and as a result, they’ve been able to achieve extraordinary results in just a short period of time!

For instance, one of the handymen I worked with… and I’ll identify him as Mr. Handyman, had some amazing results the very first week he implemented our Handyman Riches Marketing System.

And that wasn’t always the case for Mr. Handyman and when I first met him, he was only doing a few handyman jobs a month; just barely making ends meet with his handyman services business.

According to Mr. Handyman, the people who called him were bargain shoppers. They simply didn’t wanna pay him the fees he was asking for. They were basically calling around looking for the best deal.

Anyhow, Mr. Handyman saw an ad I was running in the local newspaper offering FREE Marketing Advice (each year I donate 2 weeks of my time to help small business owners market and grow their business; just my way of giving back, but we’ll talk about that some later).

I faxed him over a 5 page questionnaire asking him a bunch of questions, such as…how did he find his customers, where was he adveritising at, which...

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