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Healthy eating for children

Posted by Sweet Sclosets on Saturday, 25 January 2014

Healthy eating for children
Proper nutritional eating can have a significant impact on your child's resistance to dangerous infections and a dramatic effect on reducing the occurrence of illnesses like asthma, and allergies.

The western world in particular is suffering an epidemic of obesity and diet related illness, which can be traced back to peoples' poor eating choices and junk food diet.

Eating properly is important to your child's growth and long-term health. You must gain the information necessary to help your children establish a healthy diet. You are about to learn how each food group can help your children grow and stay healthy.

In a world of fast food, supersized sodas and televised temptations, this guide shows how to block the obesity trend currently in the national spotlight; and have fun doing it.

We all want our children to be fit and healthy. However, the current invasion of fast food, sugary snacks and oversized portions are creating an epidemic of overweight, inactive and unhealthy kids.

The powerful influences of the fast food industry and the always present junk food advertising only make our children more susceptible to a lifetime of bad habits and obesity.

It's time to say goodbye to sugarcoated cereals, artificially colored cheese puffs, oceans of sugary soft drinks, nutritionally deficient school lunches and fast food super meals.

Do you feel like you've tried everything in your power to get the best nutrition for your children and yet, despite your best intentions, you're still plagued with not knowing where to start… and not knowing what the most common nutritional deficiencies are.

Well, you're not alone! It may seem like you are alone sometimes but most people are just like you: not understanding nutrition for your kids is far more common than you may think.

You will discover the simple rules for raising happy, healthy children. You will learn how to pay close attention to how they eat by looking at portions, reading labels and learning about ingredients. Practical tips and easy-to-follow rules for raising happy and healthy young eaters.

Medical science is proving that following the nutritional guidelines in this book can protect your child against developing obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, and even some forms of cancer… through a solid nutritional groundwork....Read More Detail


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