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Why NOT take all the signals from Forex LST? (and how to recognize them)

Posted by Sweet Sclosets on Monday, 14 March 2016

Why NOT take all the signals from Forex LST? (and how to recognize them)
If forex trading was an exact science, everyone would win - and that is conceptually impossible. Divergences, however, are one of the most accurate conditions that indicate a retracement or correction in price. It is like the growling of a dog, before it bites. You don�t know when exactly it�s going to bite, but if you stay on course, it will. 

And it doesn�t mean that price reverses ONLY after a divergence - there are many factors that trigger it (just like not all dogs growl before they bite!). So we need to filter the entries a bit, in order to increase our chances of success. 

That is what Forex LST System does. It will show all the best divergences, but it will only give you a signal to enter when the right candle formation occurs (filter #1). That�s exactly when the human eye comes into play: with the aid of the price channel automatically displayed, the trader makes the determination whether the risk/reward ratio is favorable for trading (filter #2). So don�t just trade all divergences... pick the ones that make sense with the help of Forex LST System! Click Here!


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